In the morning of March 16, 2016,Dr. Kelvin Sealey, who is the professor of film and education research academy, teachers college, Columbia University,was present Dafengche international kindergarten. In the company of Mr. Zhou Jianguo, the president of Dafengche Education Group, Mr.Sealey visited the kindergarten and had a forum with director and teachers. They had a further discussion and reached a long-term friendly cooperative relations.
2016年3月16日上午,美国哥伦比亚大学学前教育研究中心负责人Mr. Kelvin Sealey莅临东方美郡国际园进行学术交流。在大风车教育集团总裁周建国先生一行人的陪同下参观了东方美郡国际园,对国际园园所内的硬件设施及户外场地深表肯定,并与王园长,教研部门的老师及总部英语培训部门的老师等进行了座谈,按照小中大的年龄层对园所采用的英文教材进行了更深一层次的研讨与交流,并达成长期战略联盟,既:师资定向输出培训,英语教研培训,教材主题研讨会等双方达成长期友好合作关系。
Meanwhile, the permanent of Korean Kyungnman University, Mr. Li Kaiji and Dr. Li Jingzhen visited the kindergarten. Dr.Li said, this is the kindergarten designed for children, especially the design make children feel like going back home. In cafeteria children need to queue for their meal, which can cultivates their wonderful personalities, and showed the wish of establishing the exchange of experience between two countries.